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Please be aware of our Terms & Condition (listed above as Syarat & Terma) as Bunda BAZAAR will NOT be held liable for any mistakes / damages made (intentionally/and unintentionally) by the end users; you.
I am just a regular-harmless-stay-at-home mom. I do not eat people/human. This is made as to protect the business, me and as well as YOU :)
As much as we can opt for perfection, there will always be a slight flaws BUT I am truly happy and welcoming any quiries or even just for a mere HELLO by sending me emails to; bundabazaar@gmail.com
Happy browsing and Shopping !
1. Choose your favourites.
2. Email to me at bundabazaar@gmail.com for reservation and confirmation or even for any queries.
3. Add in RM 3 for Registered Mail or RM 6 for PosLaju to the total amount. If necessary, extra charges may apply if delivered to Sabah/ Sarawak or overseas or exceed certain weight.
4. Bank -in the payment using either Maybank2U or CIMBclicks with account details as below:
Maybank : 164810048502
CIMB : 1484-0000013-52-2
5. Inform me by e-mail once payment is made.
6. We will send you the goods!